Artist residencies in the community
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Partnership with the conseil des arts de montréal and the Accès-culture network
Louis Jacob
Residency programs have existed for several years in the network of exhibition spaces, in artist-run centres, in the school sector, and elsewhere. These programs, as well as those concerning cultural mediation, fall under public policies for support of creation, production, and dissemination of arts and respond to the general issues of democratization of culture and citizen participation.
It is in this general context that ARTENSO is proposing to conduct research on the effects of artist residencies in communities – and, more specifically, residencies that include cultural mediation. At the same time, the centre is helping to set up an artist residency program at Cégep de Saint-Laurent. In spring 2019, ARTENSO undertook a survey of the literature, proceeded with information exchanges with partners, and created a research association with researcher Louis Jacob, professor in the Department of Sociology at the Université du Québec à Montréal.
The aim of this research is to produce a study from a sample of five artist residencies with cultural mediation conducted as part of the Accès-Culture network and Conseil des arts de Montréal programs. The study is intended to stimulate thought about and contribute to the highlighting of good practices. It involves an evaluation of the processes and effects of artist residencies and comprehension of more general issues related to motivations and models. There are two complementary sections:
- An evaluation section built on project statements and observation of activities in five artist residencies
- An exploratory and comparative section based on qualitative research and documentary analysis of artist residencies in Quebec or elsewhere
Jacob, Louis (dir.) (2021). Résidences d’artistes dans les espaces culturels municipaux montréalais. Rapport de recherche – Étude partenariale, Montréal. ARTENSO, 139 p.
Research team
Louis Jacob is a professor in the Department of Sociology at the Université du Québec à Montréal, where he teaches general approaches and fundamental concepts of the discipline. He is a member of the Observatoire des médiations culturelles and the Laboratoire Art et société, terrains et théories. His research interests are social narratives and imaginaries, art and culture practices, and epistemology of human sciences.
Research assistants: Clara Déry, Raquel Cruz-Crespo, Catherine Langlais
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Bisenius-Penin, Carole (dir.) (2018). Culture et Musées. Dossier : Entre création et médiation : les résidences d’écrivains et d’artistes En ligne, 31 :
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