
Accueil » Who are we? » Research centre » Members

Become a member and support the centre’s standing

Winter 2022 ARTENSO counts 92 members
ARTENSO has two membership categories: regular and corporate.

Regular members of the corporation are physical persons who wish to support ARTENSO’s mission and general goals. Regular members can participate in ARTENSO’s activities, receive notices of general meetings of members, and attend and vote at these meetings.

Corporate members are companies, corporations, and public or para-public institutions that wish to support ARTENSO’s mission and general goals. Corporate members must designate an official representative who will have the right to speak and to vote at AGMs. Corporate members can participate in ARTENSO’s activities, receive notices of general meetings of members, and attend and vote at these meetings.

To become a member, an individual must meet the following conditions.

  • Be 18 years of age or older or be a student duly registered at Cégep de Saint-Laurent
  • Agree to work in pursuit of the corporation’s general goals
  • Provide in writing the reasons for which he or she wishes to be a member of the corporation
  • Fill out the membership form
There is no cost to be a member of Centre ARTENSO.
Become a member

ARTENSO is a Centre collégial de transfert en pratiques sociales novatrices (College centre for transfer of innovative social practices) affiliated with Cégep de Saint-Laurent in Montréal. Its mission is to promote the general interests and specific issues related to research and innovation in art and social engagement in the field of cultural mediation.

625, avenue Sainte-Croix
Montréal (Québec) H4L 3X7

T 514 747-6521, # 7157