Partnership study on music mediation

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The Étude partenariale sur la médiation de la musique (partnership study on music mediation) is based on a close collaboration among researchers, professionals, and students around the roles of education and music mediation in the contemporary reconfiguration of the profession of musician. This collaboration is aimed at inventorying and analyzing the ways in which music mediation is integrated into the professional field and into higher education. Another objective is to co-construct, with these fields, supports for creation and evaluation of music mediation activities that will guide mediators, musicians, and musicologists at every stage of their career.

Section 1: Training in music mediation

In this section, the team explores the growing presence of cultural mediation (in the form of diploma training courses or occasional experiences in the field) in institutions of higher learning and of the professionalization of musicians, as it is emerging and having an impact on training in music professions.

Section 2: The profession of music mediator

In this section, the team investigates those who perform music mediation in its current form, their professional career paths, and their working conditions. In this section, the team collaborates to connect theoretical definitions of cultural mediation to how it is put into practice in the field of music.

Partnership research project with:
  • Cégep de Saint-Laurent
  • Conseil québécois de la musique
  • Université de Montréal

This project is funded by a Partnership Development Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Research team, section 1

Artenso :
Eva Quintas, executive director
Elsa Fortant, research assistant

Cégep de Saint-Laurent :
Myriam Genest Saint-Denis, coordinator

Université de Montréal :
Michel Duchesneau, full professor and director of OICRM
Irina Kirchberg, guest professor


Auboin, N., Kletz, F., Lenay, O. (2010). Médiation culturelle : l’enjeu de la gestion des ressources humaines, Culture études. DEPS.

Camart, C., Mairesse, F., Prévost-Thomas, C. (dir.), Vessely, P., (2016). « Médiations musicales :  enjeux  esthétiques,  politiques  et professionnels », Table  ronde  avec  Pierre  Barrois,  Marie-Hélène  Serra, Thierry Weber. Les mondes de la médiation culturelle, Vol.  2, Paris, L’Harmattan, coll. Les cahiers de la médiation culturelle, p. 163-181.

Dufrêne, B., Gellereau, M., (2010). « La médiation culturelle. Enjeux professionnels et politiques », dans Liquète, V. (dir.), Médiations, Paris, CNRS Éditions, p. 67-83, En ligne, consulté le 26 septembre 2020.

Kirchberg, I. (dir.), (2020). « Fenêtre ouverte sur la médiation de la musique », Revue musicale de l’OICRM, Vol 7, n2.

Prévost-Thomas, C., Vessely, P., (2014).  « Du  musicien  médiateur  au  médiateur musicologue. Entre intégration sociale et socialisations musicales », dans Montandon, F., Pérez-Roux, T. (dir). Les médiations culturelles et artistiques. Quels processus d’intégration et de socialisation ?. Paris,  L’Harmattan, coll. Logiques sociales, Série Études culturelles, p. 57-76.

ARTENSO is a Centre collégial de transfert en pratiques sociales novatrices (College centre for transfer of innovative social practices) affiliated with Cégep de Saint-Laurent in Montréal. Its mission is to promote the general interests and specific issues related to research and innovation in art and social engagement in the field of cultural mediation.

625, avenue Sainte-Croix
Montréal (Québec) H4L 3X7

T 514 747-6521, # 7157