Cégep projects

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Cultural mediation at the Cégep de Saint-Laurent

At the Cégep, the centre’s activities are aimed at enhancing training, supporting the deployment of research, and better integrating the cultural dimension to simulate students’ interest in these fields.

Since 2019, ARTENSO has implemented the following initiatives:
  • scholarship program for the arts and human sciences curricula and for the AEC with specialization in cultural mediation.
  • An artist residency program with a research section and a mediation section.
  • The structuring of a partnership research team on music mediation practice and training: EPMM (Cégep-UdeM-Artenso-organizations).
  • Documentation of and support for production of art projects involving francization groups.
To read

ÉTUDE (2019) • Médiation artistique et rencontre interculturelle. Recenser, documenter et comprendre les interventions artistiques et culturelles avec les groupes en francisation au cégep de Saint-Laurent


Le centre ARTENSO offre deux programmes de bourses pour les étudiant.e.s du cégep de Saint-Laurent :

1)      AEC de spécialisation en médiation culturelle (attestation of college studies, specialization in cultural mediation)

2)      Musique – Composition et instrumentation (Music – Composition and instrumentation)

We are pleased to announce the recipients in the AEC scholarship program (December 2019):

  • (December 2019) Sophie Bisson et Jacinthe Brière.
  • (January 2021) Jessica Hotte, Louise Tremblay, Mélody Laye et Sophie Dargy.
  • (June 2021) Annick Bergeron, Sara Essafi-Moumen, Anne Florentiny et Sarah Khilaji.
  • (February 2022) Virginie Maltais, Olivier Lessard, Laëticia Perray, Adriana Garcia-Cruz.

Our programs

ARTENSO is a Centre collégial de transfert en pratiques sociales novatrices (College centre for transfer of innovative social practices) affiliated with Cégep de Saint-Laurent in Montréal. Its mission is to promote the general interests and specific issues related to research and innovation in art and social engagement in the field of cultural mediation.

625, avenue Sainte-Croix
Montréal (Québec) H4L 3X7

T 514 747-6521, # 7157